BLISS Effect

How Fast Does Ear Reflexology Work?

Clients notice the difference normally after just 60 seconds into the session, and after the full treatment, 15-20 minutes later, they may feel so good, they may even have forgotten what their problem was to begin with. This, shockingly enough to them, is not an uncommon response, much to their delight!No matter if it was issues surrounding physical, emotional, […]

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Quit Smoking

Gabriele Beat A 45 Year Smoking Addiction After One Ear Reflexology Session

The history of smoking plants predates many written texts and dates back to at least 5000 BC in shamanistic rituals. Many ancient civilizations, such as the Babylonians, Indians, Chinese, Israelites and Native Americans all burned incense made from herbs as a part of their spiritual rituals. Not to be left behind the Catholic and Orthodox Christian churches […]

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Ear Reflexology VS Other Therapies

If you were to get acupuncture to cover the same area that one Ear Reflexology consultation gives you in a treatment, you would look like Neo did here after he came out of The Matrix. Notice there are no needles on his ears…There are oodles of different therapies available but what sets Ear Reflexology, or […]

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