Now 15 months Sober
Alex received his first Ear Reflexology session in 2010, at the World Reflexology Week sessions I offered, and he never forgot! I saw Alex again in December 2015 and he remembered what it had done for him and requested I squeeze his ears again. He had a second session Jan 7 2016 where he requested further consultations to help him curb his appetite for drinking. As a musician being handed your favourite drink on arrival was par for the course in his line of work. This habit was interfering with his personal and professional life and after 2 sessions he decided it was time for it to go. Alex had 4 more sessions during January and March, and has not fallen off the wagon, not even once! He has been sober for 15 months now and his personal and professional life are thriving again! To quote Alex "My future self will thank my present self for having taken this decision today!"
If you are ready to kick the habit - you have likely given it some serious thought and it just has to go.
It could be for various reasons but for whatever reason you find your self here now. I'd say you're ready!
You can break free of the habit once and for all - just click here to book your session!