I was thrilled one of my Canadian DJ’s – Carlo Lio was coming to play at Amnesia on Ibiza! A fellow Aquarius to boot. It was going to be a special night I could feel it in the air.
All decked and ready to go except for the last accessory, my shoes. After fastening the last shoe buckle I lowered my leg to the floor and I hooked my heel on the carpet and fell backwards attempting to break my fall by extending my arms behind me as I hit the floor landing on my rear end. I heard a very loud bang and getting up rather uneventfully looked around to see what could have caused such a noise but I had no idea where it came from. My right wrist was a bit sore and bruised so I wrapped it up in a tensor bandage and went out to dance to Carlo.
In the morning I woke to a very swollen right hand and arm and knew i needed medical attention so i went to emerge. How humbling. They x-ray’d it and said i had two little chips broken off of my wrist and placed my lower right arm in a cast for 3 weeks.
When it was removed I could not move my thumb. They said the tendon must have been severed in the break. The bang I heard. I deconstructed life in Ibiza to return to Canada to seek help. I had reconstructive hand surgery December 5 2012 and spent the next the next year learning to retrain my hand to work with the assistance of a tendon taken from my index finger and connected to my thumb.
I spent the year following retraining my thumb to be able to do what it used to do – things like holding a pen to write, a hairbrush, a fork or knife.
Now it is with great determination that I retrain my hand to do ears again…