BLISS Effect

How Fast Does Ear Reflexology Work?

Clients notice the difference normally after just 60 seconds into the session, and after the full treatment, 15-20 minutes later, they may feel so good, they may even have forgotten what their problem was to begin with. This, shockingly enough to them, is not an uncommon response, much to their delight!No matter if it was issues surrounding physical, emotional, […]

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Toothache Vanishes

Root Canal Infection

Nine months ago I was in bad pain, with an infected root canal, when Michelle offered me an ear-reflexology- treatment. I didn't really believe that it could help, but I was open to try anything to remove the pain, so I accepted.

She positioned me comfortably and then as soon as she laid her tender and strong hands at my head I felt safe and in good hands. Something relaxed deep in me and let go of everything. It was an intense experience to have somebody work through your ears like that. It was slightly painful in a positive way.

Afterward my ears felt warm and somehow I felt free and very relaxed. My tooth pain was much less following the ear session and Michelle showed me some points on my hands and ears that I could press myself for healing. The next days I was busy pressing the points every few hours and tree days later the root canal problem was gone and didn't come back. Puhh, I felt so relieved - I didn't have to go to the Dentist - great.

Thank you so much, Michelle, for your loving, helping hands and for your ambition to really help, heal, support and spread the knowledge.

