Group Classes

Group Class – 100 €

All classes develop in 3 Stages of learning

  1. Theory - Learn the layout of the Ear-Boards
  2. Application - The technique and sequence of application on self
  3. Practice - Hands on application of your new skills on another

All classes include 3 take away tools to aid you in continuing to develop your EAR skills

  1. "I AM HEALER - YOU are the ONE" Step by step Ear Reflexology Instruction Manual
  2. Videos for the 7 Steps to REBOOT to BLISS step by step.
  3. Digital Ear-Board Map - for use in Ear-Mergency First-Aid situations.


Group Classes focus on teaching you the basic techniques and the class will also zero in on dominant issues students want to flush out of their frequency matrix from A to Z, Alzheimer's to Zit Addiction, that will be identified in the intake questionnaire you will receive after booking your class.  You will leave confidant and certain of your new REBOOT skill to BLISS your self or anyone else - anytime - anywhere!

 2017 Spring Special 50% Discount!

Spring Special in Effect April 1 to April 15, 2017

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